In addition to grooming and health checks, the sessions serve as bonding. Dec 3, 2016 - How to Groom a Rabbit. If it has waxy buildup deep in the ear, ask your vet about an ear cleaning solution. [1] X Research source Most rabbits need to be brushed about every 3 days or so. It’s important to be part of your rabbit’s grooming process. Hold your rabbit on your lap for weekly grooming sessions. Next, flip the rabbit over and start on the back. Start at the tip of the fur and work in toward the roots in stages, as you would remove a knot from a child's hair. Follow through with lightly brushing him, working from head to tail, then down each side in the same manner. If your rabbit is super calm, you might not even need the towel. Every alternate time they’ll have a light shedding that may not be very... Long-Haired Rabbits. This will also make sure you don't accidentally spread urine or feces while you're brushing your rabbit's fur. Most bunnies struggle away from water … Once you are happy they look normal, get your brush and stroke gently in the direction of hair growth. Rabbit Behavior; Multiple Rabbits; Care. Fleas are tiny black insects, and you'll tend to notice them around your bunny's head or groin area. Rabbits require regular grooming. Now I know what I'm doing! Consider keeping long-haired rabbits' fur trimmed to about 1 in (2.5 cm) to cut down on hairballs. This is especially true if it isn't used to being groomed, and it sounds like yours isn't. Hold the rabbit in your lap always For every grooming session, make sure that you are holding your pet in your lap. You must carefully comb the mats which are developing on the fur of your beloved lion head. This is something that you’ll need to be mindful of, too. If the fur is too matted to be removed, you'll need help from a vet to safely remedy the situation. This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Place your rabbit on a towel and check them from head to toe – look for anything out of the ordinary, particularly a dirty bottom. If they are stressed, anxious, bored, or even a little sick, a rabbit might try to feel better by self-grooming more often. Keep all the brushes within reach and hold the rabbit on your lap. A fur splitter is a specialized wide-tooth comb that allows you to tease the mats out of your rabbit's fur without yanking. You can remove dirt and debris by gently scooping it out with a cotton ball. If the ears smell bad, even after a good cleaning, look red or have a crusty discharge, you need to see the vet as this could be symptomatic of mites. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Certain areas need regular attention. However, there are times when your rabbit needs a wash, especially when they soil their hindquarters with stool or urine. Rabbits require a mix of the following items in order to maintain a healthy diet: Hay: stimulates rabbits’ normal chewing behaviors and provides appropriate wear on their teeth, preventing dental disease. Content Courtesy of Ware Manufacturing. Rabbits similar to cats insist on being clean and tidy, therefore they lick their hair clean. Rabbits usually do not need baths but regular brushing helps keep their coat in good condition and helps prevent hairballs and nail trims help keep your rabbit's feet healthy and from getting stuck in carpeting. If your rabbit has any matted fur and you cannot gently brush the matt out, try untangling with your fingers, but be very careful not to tug on the fur as that can be uncomfortable for your rabbit and may even cause injury to his skin. If you’re right-handed, take a handful of wool into your left hand and firmly, but gently, pull straight up. These glands can become clogged, so if you notice a bad odor coming from your rabbit, it's a good idea to clean their scent glands. Don't use scissors to remove the mats from your rabbit's fur, as it's very easy to accidentally cut them. This is the kind of comb that I use. You can also give your rabbit a dry bath. Try a different brush that doesn't create as much static, like a flea comb. These could be signs of a problem with its back teeth. The goal is … This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. If the rabbit is nervous or difficult to groom, give them simple exercises they can do at home to help their rabbit be more comfortable with grooming. If your bunny allows lifting and handling, you're in luck. Being large in size and personality, they enjoy being fussed over once in a while. Try a few until you find the ones that work best for you and they will last you years. Slicker brush or another type of brush designed to groom the specific fur type of your rabbit Investigate foot sores as they are indicative that the pet's enclosure is too moist. Grooming Shedding. How to Groom a Guinea Pig. Never pull on the rabbit's hair with a comb, their skin is very prone to injury. Comb regularly for the best hygiene. You will need to invest in some particular tools to groom your rabbit. Positive reinforcements such as treats or extra pets will make this a pleasurable experience for both you and rabbit. Rabbits require regular grooming. If you can, avoid bathing your rabbit. Just hold the bunny at the edge of a table so it's cradled against your body. The rabbit must be comfortable, otherwise it will struggle during the clipping. Rabbit’s self-groom by licking themselves all over, so you’re never going to completely stop your rabbit from ingesting fur. Grooming angora rabbits can be quite a task considering the amount of wool that the rabbit will have in the course of a year. Carefully comb out any developing mats in the fur. Don't pull the fur and don't let the teeth of the comb touch the rabbit's skin, which is delicate. The following technique is adequate: Most rabbits have to learn to trust the process of being picked up by a human. Don't worry too much if you see this, as long as the spots aren't flaky and don't seem to bother your rabbit. Here are some guidelines for how, and how often, you should brush your rabbit. How To: Give a rabbit a spot bath How To: Cut or trim a rabbit's dark toenail How To: Put the rabbit down after holding it How To: Groom your dog on your own How To: Groom, style, and trim a long-haired dog How To: Handle your rabbit safely To keep your rabbit calm, start by brushing the top of its head and its back. The fiber in hay will also encourage proper digestion. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. Rabbit skin is fragile and could get burned. Cut the fur when it's in length. There’s always hair in a rabbit’s stomach so don’t feel that you have to avoid getting hair in a rabbit’s stomach you won’t be able to. (Find a rabbit vet on the House Rabbit Society Veterinarian Index.) This article has been viewed 88,763 times. How to Groom Your Rabbit. Your assistant must hold the rabbit under their arm, with the animal's head sticking out the back. In a way, it resembles holding a football just above the hip. Dip only the soiled area and not the whole rabbit. If your rabbit finds a tick on her friend, she’ll try to tear it off. There are 39 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This is healthy behaviour and will make your routine easier. Submit. Then, comb the cornstarch out of the fur and use a cloth to wipe away any excess. Although angora rabbit breeds are docile by nature, coat care is complex. Most rabbits have an instinctive desire to start kicking frantically when hauled off their feet. Rabbits insists on being clean, and tidy, and as a result, they constantly groom themselves. I believe it's called a flea comb. If you have a baby bunny, it's easiest to just file its nails with an emery board until it gets big enough for this type of clipper. Is the rabbit's behavior normal? It’s part of a long cleaning ritual that rabbits use to lick themselves all over and keep their coat from getting dirty and dull. Lv 5. Lionhead, angora and other long-haired rabbits require much more attention in … We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. A diagram on how to cut pet nails. At the same time, move your other hand to support its bum, While supporting the chest and hindquarters, lift the bunny and hold it against you (not too tightly). Rabbits keep themselves clean as long as they are properly cared for and fed the right diet. 1. You can use a bristle brush or a rubber hand brush to follow up after removing fur with the comb. Rabbit and Small Animal Grooming Small Animal Grooming Jun 18, 2020. Feet: An element of grooming involves examining the pads peak and rear for any symptoms of hair loss or damage. Source(s): Rabbit owner. If you don't want to do this, you could always book a vet appointment to have it done for you. Rabbits have very sensitive skin, so it’s important to use a soft brush to groom your rabbit. She could be—rabbits shed up to 4 times a year. If your rabbit is too flea-bitten, take it to a vet first. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. ", "The list of equipment makes a great checklist.". Hertzko Double Sided Pins and Bristle Brush. What should I do? It's pretty easy to see the quick if your rabbit has light-colored nails, so don't worry about using a light. Rabbits are capable of cleaning themselves. Most rabbits will be most comfortable if you groom them on the floor, but if your rabbit doesn't mind being handled, you can put it on your lap. When brushing, avoid the ear, face, tail, and feet regions as they are normally quite sensitive. The Bathing Decision. Next, do the tail and belly, starting with the tip of the tail, working all the way up to your rabbit’s chin, section by section, brushing in the direction the wool grows (towards the tail.) 1 decade ago. I can pet hervhead all she wants but her body seems so sensitive to any stimulation and she’s in shedding crazy. Don't ever put a rabbit completely in water—it could lead to shock. Brush His Fur. The ears need a weekly examination. Most importantly, rabbits cannot cough up hairballs like a cat. Use the kind of flea comb you would for a cat. Bushy bunnies need a daily brushing. Towel it as thoroughly as you can, before placing the animal in a warm environment with towels. If this doesn’t work, you may need to cut the matt out. Without one, you have nothing to groom! Cut the fur when it's 8–12 centimeter (3.1–4.7 in) in length. These glands are made of a very sensitive membrane, so be extremely gentle when you do this, or the membrane could tear. However, they also need a weekly appointment for brushing, nail and ear care. If the jaw is not smoothly symmetrical, see a vet. Guinea pigs … Rabbit Nail Trimming guide, (c) and used with direct permission from Lisa Jane. Speak gently and if necessary, offer treats to make the experience more pleasurable for your pet. If this tendency is not controlled, severe cases need to be corrected by a vet. Long-haired bunnies need more attention to keep their coats in top shape. If you're not comfortable trimming your bunny's nails yourself, take them to your vet for a trimming. The back nails are thicker, but more prone to fracturing. A rabbit-friendly hairbrush. By using our site, you agree to our. These types of rabbits are truly wonderful to look at, but require a lot more attention than their... Fleas and Mites. Most bunnies struggle away from water and could hurt themselves should they slip from your grasp. Grooming a bunny Provided there are no health problems going on, rub your hand over the rabbit to remove any loose fur. A rabbit being bathed is usually discouraged but at your o… Combing prevents hair from clogging their digestive system—and your house. Unless you are showing your long-haired rabbit, it is easiest to keep the coat trimmed to a length of about 1 inch or else the coat will be very prone to matting (but always be careful about trimming the hair over a rabbit's hocks or sores may result due to the lack of padding). This pushes the wax down into it and causes serious problems. Take two containers and fill them with two inches of lukewarm water. However, lionhead rabbits require regular grooming as otherwise their woolly fur can become matted. Some people find that it's actually easier to trim the back paws. The following basics are necessary to know in order to groom rabbits safely and to help keep them healthy. If you don't see much loose hair after grooming your rabbit, you're probably okay to wait a little longer between brushing sessions. Once your rabbit has had a few grooming sessions, gradually move down to brushing its lower face and chin. One of the most adorable rabbit behaviors to witness is their grooming routine. Depending on the rabbit, its shed might happen all in one day, over a period of several days, or even over a few weeks. Grooming not have to be challenging or bothersome. Last Updated: January 21, 2021 Neglected nails hamper walking, and a claw could snag on something, often with horrific results. I used a hair comb to brush my rabbit and after this, his fur looks like spikes and hair fall is occurring. Tame it first, otherwise it may try to bite you. Dry your pet as thoroughly as possible. Also check for dark debris in your bunny's ear, which could be a sign of ear mites. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. When they ingest large amounts of fur, they can develop serious digestive issues, such as GI Stasis. how to groom a rabbit step by step - Rabbit Videos. If it comes back, take your rabbit to the vet immediately, as it may be a sign of a respiratory infection. No. Grooming a 12 week old white with blue eyes double mane lionhead. This article has been viewed 88,763 times. Rabbits vary in their affinity for grooming; some like it, some don’t. Rabbit skin is delicate, so take care. Mats might likewise appear on the footpad. If the matted fur is too clumped to comb, it's best to take your rabbit to your vet or a professional groomer. As long as you aren't causing your bunny pain, and your accomplishing the task (helping the rabbit through a molt or to detangle the fur), you aren't doing it wrong. Pet the rabbit to keep it calm, and take a break if it starts to panic. Trimming nails. Stay on the lookout for buildup of any kind, like dirt and ear wax. How to Groom an Angora Rabbit. If he has fleas, is there a treatment like there is for cats or dogs? Write down each grooming date so that … If brushing the hair doesn't help, use a small pair of scissors to carefully trim it out of the way. It can help to have someone else hold the bunny upright as you clip. Grooming begins when the bunny is first born. My rabbit twitches like crazy if her hair is stimulated on body. Take your time with grooming—think of it as a bonding experience. You can use the soft brushes sold for cats. Jun 20, 2017 - How to Groom a Rabbit. Silicone brushes work great for shorter hair (like Rexes) and there are metal or plastic that have teeth but silicone attached to help thin out their undercoat. Regularly grooming your rabbit will help prevent health problems, increase your bunny’s happiness, and help you recognize signs of illness and … It's essential that the rabbit stays calm during grooming, especially when their nails are being clipped. References. But if you can lighten the load a bit by good grooming that really helps. It helps prevent sore hocks if they have more hair. Check for healthy eyes—there should be no swelling or discharge. There's always hair in a rabbit's stomach so don't feel that you have to avoid getting hair in a rabbit's stomach you won't be able to. ", "This helped because this is the first rabbit I ever owned. If that doesn't work, carefully shave them with clippers or take your rabbit to a groomer. This is typically when seasons are changing, like from winter to spring. Fortunately, most rabbit grooming tasks are easy enough to be performed by an owner at home with a few tools on hand. Learning why and how to groom a guinea pig will help you keep your pet happy and healthy. Bristles are generally better than teeth. Only wipe the area around your rabbit's eyes—never touch its eyeball. Rabbits need to be brushed on a … Rabbits groom themselves multiple times a day, so it can be difficult to know when rabbits are over-grooming themselves. Just as it is with humans, every rabbit has grooming needs. Rabbits shed every three months. Do not lay your rabbit on its back—this can lead to trancing, which is stressful and dangerous for your rabbit. Care; Spaying and Neutering; House Rabbits 101; Grooming; Housing; Chewing; Life with a House Rabbit; Rabbit Behavior; Rabbit Care; Rabbit Health; Disaster Preparedness; Vets. Rabbits molt a couple of times a year so it is not uncommon for a lot of hair to come out during this time. How to Groom Your Rabbit. Here are some relevant videos you can watch with more information. Today I'm going to teach y;all how to groom a rabbit, the rabbit in the pictures is my rabbit Snickers. Check out my Disclaimer for more information! Rabbits vary in their affinity for grooming; some like it, some don’t. For the rest of the year, grooming is maintenance to keep up their coat, keep them from ingesting too much hair, and so you can have a close check up of your rabbit. Short nails also prevent the owner from getting scratched. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/7\/7f\/Keep-Your-Rabbit%27s-Fur-Clean-and-Untangled-Step-18.jpg\/v4-460px-Keep-Your-Rabbit%27s-Fur-Clean-and-Untangled-Step-18.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/7f\/Keep-Your-Rabbit%27s-Fur-Clean-and-Untangled-Step-18.jpg\/aid1135854-v4-728px-Keep-Your-Rabbit%27s-Fur-Clean-and-Untangled-Step-18.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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