Backyard Movie



If the drive-in movie package isn’t quite the right fit, we’ve got a 10′ option. This choice is great for 10-50 people in lawn chairs.

We provide:

  • 144″ Diagonoal (12 Feet) inflatable screen
  • Projector
  • A computer with a copy of the movie
  • All of the cords and adapter to plug this all in.
  • For Sound, We provide any combo of the following:
    • Radio transmitter to broadcast the movie’s audio to car radios
    • 50x sets of wireless headphones to listen to the movie outside
    • Speakers (Need to make sure we follow city noise rules

Before the movie, you’ll need to

  • License the movie from The cost is usually $90 for a week’s license or $250 for the year. Your church may have this already.
  • -Make sure you know how to turn off parking lot lights, and any lights on the building/street that may be bright during the movie.

We will be able to start the movie around dusk. We plan on being there 45 mins  before the event to set-up

Just a note: If it is raining hard or the wind is over 10mph we will need to reschedule.